
Posts Tagged ‘French Fries’

I apologize in advance for the length of this post…  These posts are getting pretty repetitive (and not in a good way.)  If you’re not particularly interested in my thoughts on my current diet, please feel free to skip this post…
It’s the evening of Day 27 of my current diet.  No change in weight.  No change in waist.  As usual, just to be sure, I stepped off the scale and then back on.  Same result.  Both feet are mostly normal and there’s no pain (gout or arthritis).
Diet:  I woke up this morning feeling much better all the way down to my feet.  I skipped the water pill today as I’m not sure it made much of difference the last two days.  I did have a large (30oz) coffee in the late AM.
The rash on both my arms about four inches on either side of my elbows on the outside is still there.  They don’t itch or hurt.  They’re just starting to feel crusty.  The bumps are fewer.  The plateaus are what feel “crusty”.  I still have no clue as to what may have caused the rash.
Another poor night’s sleep.  Up once at 2:30am, and then wide awake at 5am (-ish).  I lay there until 5:30am, when I got up.
I had a bowl of muesli (“pebbles and twigs”) for breakfast, a moderate salad for lunch (about 2:30pm) and fried eggs and French fries for dinner.  We finished just after the window (6:10pm) closed.
Personal laps:  Since I was up early, I went for a good long walk before the dog walk.  Pulse avg 86bpm, max 111bpm for the laps;  1:16.13min walk;  5K / 3.12 miles.  Two sections:  first 12 minutes over 100bpm;  the rest was under 95bpm.  9Laps.  Some chest discomfort and shortness of breath – but brief and not bad.  Discomfort / shortness of breath was gone before the end of the walk and none during the rest of the day.
Shiva’s walk:  pulse avg 108bpm, max 129bpm for the dog walk;  15:43min walk.  Two sections:  1)  <2min and <100bpm;  2)  >2min and >100bpm.  Short dog walk;  around the corner to the intersection and then home.   Shiva continues struggling on her walk, but she’s still game.  She was kind of walking with her hips sideways with one hind leg directly under her belly, like she didn’t trust the other leg to support her weight.
Evening Jog / “Niko Niko”:  none today.  Very tired (sleepy).  I’ve got to get back into it.
Health:  No morning phlegm.  No change in weight.  I did take a water pill yesterday, but (again) I didn’t feel like it make me “go” that much more.  No change in waist size.
Day 27:  Day 6 of Week 4 – weight 369lbs (n/c 0lbs, down 3lbs total);  today’s (muffin) waist 58.5 inches (n/c .0in, down 0.5in total).  My plan (since yesterday) is to finish documenting this week (one more day) and then switch to reporting only 1 day per week (on Mondays).  I do still intend to go to 40hr water fasts, so I may have short posts reporting on those.  We’ll see…
On This Day In:
2022 Teaching
2021 First Ask For Courage
Shadows And Darkness (At The Dark End Of The Street)
2020 My 2 Cents
You Do It (The Way You Do The Things You Do)
Must Be Why I Like Dreamin’
2019 The Opening Step
Day 17/18: That Didn’t Take Long
2018 I’ll Trade You…
2017 Luv Me Some Meat Loaf (I Couldn’t Have Said It Better Myself)
2016 Unless Your Name Is #AmnestyDon
2015 A Tentative First Step
2014 Making People
2013 On Reading Books
2012 On America
2011 Shiver, Me Timbers!
2010 Fiduciary Breakdown

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